H&C Collective BLOG

The Irony of 2020 and looking into the future

It has been some time since I last had a chance to sit down and peacefully let it flow. I count it as a blessing. Just like most of us (and my peers in the event industry particularly) our calendars got wiped out clean. And what a great beginning of the year it was. Is it disturbing? Absolutely. Is it affecting our small business? 100%!!!And had you talked to me last week, I wouldn't have been so optimistic. The news of major companies closing, the stock market plunge and our industry friends without jobs was horrifying and paralyzing. But you can choose to look at the glass half empty or half full. In our case, there is not a lot of overhead so we are safe and I count it as another blessing. So the purpose of this message then is to extend a "virtual" helping hand for those in need.

As always, the storm will pass. Yes, it may take a while, but rather then constantly worrying and giving into anxiety, I vouch you to have a clear mind. First and foremost, make sure that you are safe. If not, then please know that you are not alone. Look at your circle and know we are here for you too.
Take the time to reflect and appreciate all that you have and I am not talking about the materialistic elements. Take the time to take care of your body and your mind. Because it is only with a clear consciousness that we will be able to get through this.
This pandemic is nature's way to tell us that we are going at it too fast and a little more substance is needed.

It's sad to witness the hand sanitizer flipping stories that are fueled by our consumerist economy. That's not real entrepreneurship. Real entrepreneurship is about helping and supporting others in time of need. So if you are safe, please do check in on your coworkers, your friends, your peers, your clients, even though it may only be through FaceTime (and hey, who wouldn't want to see you in pajamas).

Surely you can also take this time to work on your business too. #socialdistancing doesn't mean that the world stopped. That also doesn't mean that all your employees need to be laid off just so you keep the structure. The bigger the company, the bigger your social responsibility to protect and support your team. Have an open conversation, lay all the cards on the table and rather then shutting down, come up with a solution collectively.

As for us, we are taking the time to revisit the projects that we couldn't give time to in the past few months: work on the new website, organize our visual content, create new elements and so much more. Because, when things do pick back up, we want to make sure that we are here to support and build things back up.

As always,
We respect you | We do what we say | We always have your back

Alexander Lipin & Catherine Vallin
Hospitality & Culinary Collective

2020-03-22 21:04 ideology